Called Role Models, it makes fun of LARPers apparently, but in a good way or something. And it's got McLovin and Sean William Scott. Paul Rudd is a plus, too.
Diary of a Grognerd is a blog perpetuated by one Steven G. Saunders, a freelance writer, editor, Bacon Lord and mega-nerd who hates to keep his trap shut on how he feels about things. Find out more on this denizen of dorkdom over at his Home Page of Doom.
Expect commentary, reviews and whatever Steve can think of concerning comic books, role-playing games and related items.
Don't expect Steve to share any of his bacon. That's his. Stay away from it.
If you are wondering what the "Lethality"s are all about, just think of it as a score based on how many of "the party" (or whatever) are killed. The more carnage, the better. A "total party kill" is high marks, indeed.
Yes, Steve loves to talk about himself in the third person. Shush, you.
Also, also, and additionally you should rely on Steve to change things, get bored, set fire to gnomes on a whim and basically babble about stuff you may or may not give a shit or three about.
Find Out Where Steve Is
(for immolation purposes only)
Steve on ze Twitter - Follow Steve and you might laugh once in a while. You will most certainly have to take a shower or five.
Steve on ze Facebook - Yup. Facebook. At some point it overtook the world. And people's faces!!
Steve on ze Google+ - It's hip. It's happening. And one day I might remember it like I do Twitter and Facebook.
Steve's Depressalin Blog - It's Steve attempting comedy and tossing out hilarious (read: hilariousy depressing) stories from his life and... *sigh* Steve's attempts at comedy. Obviously, his sick and caustic sense of humor isn't for everyone. I think he was working on a book. But Steve gets distrac-- Look! Raccoons!
Steve on ze Livejournal - Steve used to be quite the LJ guy, but I haven't updated in a while. Read it if you get bored, maybe? Updated: I don't really post on there anymore. Someone give me a reason to. Please?
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